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Monster Boost
Boosted Creature on Baiak Hells

Hoje criatura impulsionada é: [VIP] Capricious Phantom

Para evitar que sempre os mesmos tipos de criatura sejam caçados e eventualmente exterminados, os deuses tibianos surgiram com a idéia do boosted creature. Todos os dias escolhe-se uma criatura que é particularmente gratificante para este dia. Desta forma, os aventureiros de todo o Baiak Hells devem ser atraídos para caçar uma variedade maior de monstros.

A criatura impulsionada está dando 47% de experiência e 34% de loot a mais.

Boa caçada!

Monstros que podem ser impulsionados:

[VIP] Crypt Warden
[VIP] Feral Sphinx
[VIP] Ink Blob
[VIP] Lamassu
[VIP] Manticore
[VIP] Black Sphinx Acolyte
[VIP] Burning Gladiator
[VIP] Priestess of the Wild Sun
[VIP] Adult Goanna
[VIP] Young Goanna
[VIP] Clomp
[VIP] Ice Witch
[VIP] Ogre Rowdy
[VIP] Ogre Ruffian
[VIP] Ogre Sage
[VIP] Burster Spectre
[VIP] Gazer Spectre
[VIP] Ripper Spectre
[VIP] Frost Flower Asura
[VIP] Carrion Worm
[VIP] Rotworm
[VIP] Burning Book
[VIP] Icecold Book
[VIP] Energetic Book
[VIP] Cursed Book
[VIP] Brain Squid
[VIP] Squid Warden
[VIP] Rage Squid
[VIP] Energuardian of Tales
[VIP] Guardian of Tales
[VIP] Animated Feather
[VIP] Knowledge Elemental
[VIP] Cobra Assassin
[VIP] Cobra Scout
[VIP] Cobra Vizier
[VIP] Falcon Knight
[VIP] Falcon Paladin
[VIP] Arachnophobica
[VIP] Behemoth
[VIP] Braindeath
[VIP] Crystal Spider
[VIP] Cyclops Smith
[VIP] Dark Torturer
[VIP] Demon Skeleton
[VIP] Demon
[VIP] Dragon Lord
[VIP] Frost Dragon
[VIP] Fury
[VIP] Giant Spider
[VIP] Grim Reaper
[VIP] Hellhound
[VIP] Hellspawn
[VIP] Hydra
[VIP] Infernalist
[VIP] Kongra
[VIP] Nightmare
[VIP] Plaguesmith
[VIP] Sea Serpent
[VIP] Serpent Spawn
[VIP] War Golem
[VIP] Warlock
[VIP] Wyrm
[VIP] Undead Dragon
[VIP] Ghastly Dragon
[VIP] Medusa
[VIP] Dragon
[VIP] Retching Horror
[VIP] Choking Fear
[VIP] Demon Outcast
[VIP] Frazzlemaw
[VIP] Guzzlemaw
[VIP] Silencer
[VIP] Terrorsleep
[VIP] Shock Head
[VIP] Betrayed Wraith
[VIP] Black Knight
[VIP] Bog Raider
[VIP] Brimstone Bug
[VIP] Dark Magician
[VIP] Defiler
[VIP] Destroyer
[VIP] Draken Abomination
[VIP] Draken Elite
[VIP] Draken Warmaster
[VIP] Juggernaut
[VIP] Nightmare Scion
[VIP] Son of Verminor
[VIP] Skeleton Elite Warrior
[VIP] Midnight Asura
[VIP] Dawnfire Asura
[VIP] Hero
[VIP] Spectre
[VIP] Undead Elite Gladiator
[VIP] Werewolf
[VIP] Blue Djinn
[VIP] Frost Giant
[VIP] Green Djinn
[VIP] Frost Troll
[VIP] Lion Archer
[VIP] Lion Knight
[VIP] Lion Warlock
[VIP] Usurper Archer
[VIP] Usurper Knight
[VIP] Usurper Warlock
[VIP] Humongous Fungus
[VIP] Hideous Fungus
[VIP] Bony Sea Devil
[VIP] Brachiodemon
[VIP] Branchy Crawler
[VIP] Capricious Phantom
[VIP] Cloak of Terror
[VIP] Courage Leech
[VIP] Distorted Phantom
[VIP] Infernal Demon
[VIP] Infernal Phantom
[VIP] Many Faces
[VIP] Mould Phantom
[VIP] Rotten Golem
[VIP] Turbulent Elemental
[VIP] Vibrant Phantom
[VIP] Sorcerer Apparition
[VIP] Druid Apparition
[VIP] Paladin Apparition
[VIP] Knight Apparition
[VIP] True Dawnfire Asura
[VIP] True Frost Flower Asura
[VIP] True Midnight Asura
[VIP] Floating Savant
[VIP] Orewalker
[VIP] Weeper
[VIP] Vexclaw
[VIP] Grimeleech
[VIP] Hellflayer
[VIP] Magma Crawler
[VIP] Lava Golem.gif
Rank Level Joias Target
2- Bendito Chuck
Restore: 8, Level: 1787, Galactic Sorcerer
3- Bendito Boia
Restore: 8, Level: 1602, Spectrum Druid
4- Bendito Reclamao
Restore: 8, Level: 1428, Spectrum Druid
5- Jack Kole
Restore: 7, Level: 2501, Cypher Paladin
6- Boldo
Restore: 7, Level: 2120, Cypher Paladin
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